Sunday, 24 December 2023

Adafruit RP2040 Prop-Maker Feather board

 The Adafruit RP2040 Prop-Maker Feather combines the RP2040 processor with a driver for Neopixels, QT Stemma socket, speaker and a battery charger socket.

The board uses a USB-C connector. 
It has a six screw terminals for the three leads for the Neopixels, two for the speaker and one for a button. 
There is a three pin connector for a servo.
The battery connection is top left. It is important to note that this board includes a charging circuit so only use chargeable LiPo batteries or follow the instructions to isolate the charging circuit.

It is important to note that as a power saving feature the Neopixel driver, the servo and the speaker amplifier are only powered when the GPIO23 pin is high (I spent a while trying to find out why the Neopixels were not lighting up until I remembered).

Here is the board operating a Neopixel strip. 

Code to follow.

ADAFRUIT Metro RP2040 Arduino UNO format microcontroller.

 The Adafruit Metro RP2040 takes the Arduino format and adds the Raspberry Pi RP2040.

In addition to the normal UNO I/O, there is a micro-SD socket and Stemma QT socket.

PIMORONI PicoVision dual RP2040

 PIMORONI have released a clever board that combines a Pico W with a second RP2040 chip and supporting electronics complete with an HDMI shaped output, a 3.5mm headphone socket and a micro-SD card reader.

It is available on its own or as part of a complete box set.

I bought the complete box set.

The Pico Vision uses a complete Pico-W board as the main microcontroller, which is attached to the Pico Vision board.
The second RP2040 acts as a GPU.
One of the clever items in the box is a USB splitter cable which allows a USB device to be plugged into the board while the socket is also powering the board.

Now to actually use it.