Pimoroni have a range of "Pico Aboard" all in one PICO W based boards.
They comprise a full PICO W board soldered to another board. This alleviates the requirement for the user to solder anything or for the supplier to include a socket and a board with presoldered headers.
The Enviro Indoor board is available on its own or together with an accessory kit.
The accessory kit adds a 2xAA battery pack, a velcro pad pair and a suitable USB cable.The Enviro Indoor board provides an all in one board complete with a BME688 temperature, pressure, humidity and gas sensor, plus a BH1745 light (luminance and colour) sensor. There is also a Real Time Clock that allows the board to enter a deep sleep mode with the PICO powered down, the board awakening either at a set time or via the "Poke" button top right. If the on-board sensors are not enough, there is a QWIIC/STEMMA socket for additional I2C sensors.
On the back there is a battery connector and a Reset button, eliminating the requirement to pull the USB cable to enter Boot mode.
The board is preloaded with an emviromental sensing program complete with a provisioning system allowing it to be set up without programming.