Tuesday, 20 December 2022

PIMORONI Plasma Stick 2040 W Christmas Lights

 So having played around with the Plasma Stick 2040 and run a web server on it, it was time to use it for Christmas lights

Initially the idea was to use the PICO W as an Access Point and control it via a web interface. This would make it independent of any local access point. Unfortunately there were some issues which I was unable to resolve before I needed to use the lights in the field. So to be able to change the lights a Rotary Encoder was plugged into the QWIIC socket via a Breakout Garden to QWIIC converter and a QWIIC cable.

For Christmas tree lights of course, the existing web server could have been used, time waits for no developer so it was used "as is".

In addition there is a Pimoroni Snowflake Solo on the tree.